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Сообщения, опубликованные SER[G]ANT

  1. Ужасная сборка. Плагины на Ольку нужно устанавливать самостоятельно и по необходимости, чтобы знать что к чему, а тут куча различных плагинов, которые будут конфликтовать друг с другом.

    Написано, что 2014, а тот же фантик (Phantom) древний до ужаса, эта версия на системах выше WinXP не работает (хотя Хеллспавн и под 7ку и под 8ку обновлял неоднократно), а что уж говорить о других плагинах.


    Не качаете вы этот бред.

  2. Я сейчас уже и не вспомню.

    Возможно я перезапускал игру, возможно Cheat Engine так решил (модульные адреса я копирую из CE, а не высчитываю их), может в Sеeam вышло обновление. Правда, я сейчас точно не вспомню. В любом случае, я использовал AOBScan. Не придирайтесь особо к этому, но всё равно спасибо за замечание.


    Вы хотите сделать телепорт по уже известным координатам. Вам просто нужно переделать или просто удалить первую часть скрипта и вписывать в coordX,coordY,coordZ уже известные. Можно луа скриптом, можно обычным скриптом, как вам будет удобней.

  3. /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/


    В CE 6.4 появилась крутяцкая штука под названием Ultimap, которая как раз для

    этого и предназначена. Единственная трудность - для неё нужен полностью рабочий

    DBVM (ядерный отладчик, идущий в комплекте с CE), который работает только под



    PS: На 8.1 x64 у меня его завести так и не удалось - на семёрке работает.




    Ты не прав.

    DBVM работает как на Intel, так и на AMD, просто на Intel в разы больше шансов, что заработает, а не появиться BSOD.

    На AMD камнях, серии FX, DBVM прекрасно работает, но у процессоров, с числом ядер >4, нужно отключать все ядра, кроме первых 4 (что очень не удобно).

    А вот сама Ultimap работает только с процессорами Intel. Даже мессаджбокс появляется, при попытке запустить её на AMD

  4. Спасибо!

    Кстати, всё таки смог запустить DBVM на процессоре от AMD.

    Помогло отключение в биосе всех ядер, кроме первых четырёх. Правда не удобно, постоянно включать и выключать.

    • Плюс 1
  5. Fixes:

    • Network: Network server can now handle multiple incoming connections at the same time
    • Gui: Fixed a crash when using multiple scan tabs
    • Assembler/Disassembler: Fixed several assembler/disassembler bugs
    • Debug: Fixed issues where deleting a breakpoint wouldn't actually remove it, causing a crash
    • Debug: Fixed a problem where deleting a breakpoint that was marked for deletion would never happen if the game was constantly triggering the debugger
    • Lua: Fixed the 6.2 and earlier version of opendialog_execute
    • Lua: Fixed memscan.waitTillDone() when using it on the gui memscan
    • Lua: Fixed speedhack_setSpeed() not taking more than 3 digits
    • D3D Hook: Direct3D9 objects now support transparency
    • D3D Hook: Fix detection of which directx version is actually used for rendering
    • Dissect Data: Fixed the column click detection when scrolled
    • Auto Assembler: Fixed some commands not highlighting properly
    • Ultimap: Fixed ultimap so it now works in windows 8
    • Ultimap: Fixed the hotkeys
    • Ultimap: Fixed the hint popup for pre-emptive flushing
    • Symbols: Fixed a problem where 32-bit modules where detected as 64-bit
    • Memory Scan: Fixed next scan causing a buffer overflow in some rare situations
    • Form Designer: Fixed a problem where deleting a non visible object failed (press the delete key in the object inspector tree)
    • Trainer Designer: Fixed the go back to generated form from functioning and related issues
    • PE-Info: Fixed a possibility where a bad PE header could cause an read error
    • Memory view: Hexview: Fix 8-byte value editing
    • Syntax Highlighters LUA/AA: Fixed UTF8 encoded text
    • Syntax Highlighters AA: Added xmm registers

    Additions and changes:

    • Address List: Added a group option that shows a +/- sign in front of group entries
    • Address List: Pressing enter on a single entry now goes into value edit mode
    • Address List: Added an option so certain entries in the address list show a groupbox the user can pick from
    • Auto Assembler: New auto assembler templates that focus on Array of Byte scans(thanks to jgoemat)
    • Auto Assembler: The auto assembler can now handle {$LUA} and {$ASM} preprocessors for multiline lua scripts
    • Break And Trace: Added a donottrace.txt file in the base directory which holds a list of modules that should not be traced but stepped over instead
    • Pointerscan: Improved performance of the pointer scanner
    • Pointerscan: The pointerscan now has the option to generate a lot smaller .PTR files
    • Pointerscan: Added the ability to do a distributed pointerscan and pointer rescan
    • ProcessList: You can now type in the processlist to filter for the specific process
    • Network: Added a basic ARM assembler/disasembler
    • Network: The linux/android network version can now use basic debugging (find what access/writes)
    • Network: Added speedhack to the network version
    • Network: The network version now compresses read/write process memory before sending to the client. The compression level can be changed at runtime
    • Network: Added module injection for linux/android
    • Symbols: Added better support for .PDB debug files so parameters and local variable references show when that data is available
    • Symbols: Added support for .Net
    • Symbols: Added support for Java (proof-of-concept showing off the extendabilty of CE)
    • Symbols: Added support for Mono (^)
    • Memory view: Hexview: Added decimal display modes for the other types
    • Memory View: Added shift-scrollng to the hexview and disassembler so you can scroll by 1 byte changes instead of the default calculated sizes
    • Stack View: Added a search option
    • D3D Hook: you can now reattach the D3D hook to a process that previously had been hooked
    • Lua engine window: Added a search and replace option to the editor
    • Lua engine window: Added the ability to set breakpoints, inspect variables and step over lines
    • Lua engine window: Enabled tab indentation of blocks
    • Lua engine window: Some extra customization options
    • Trainer Generator: Replaced the beepOnAction with playSoundOnAction and added 2 build in activate/deativate sounds. (You can override them)
    • Trainer Generator: The XM file field now has a play button
    • Lua/Trainer Generator/Designer: Added several new components , propertes and methods.
    • Lua: Added a dll search path to cedir\clibs32 or cedir\clibs64 depending on which cheat engine version is used. Use it for lua extentions
    • Lua: Made it more forgiving about method and property names
    • Lua: Added some threading helper functions
    • Lua: You can now override the disassembler/assembler
    • Lua: Lots of other new features. Check out main.lua

    Скачать Cheat Engine 6.4

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    • Плюс 3
  6. Cheat Engine 6.4 RC1 rev2567

    show symbols now also shows when show modules is off

    fix auto assembler accessing lua variables of 1 char long and it's preference for integers

    add a syntax check for negative registers

    add documentation

    add a way to access the title property of the application class object. (getMainForm().Owner.Title="Test")

    fix define(fVALUE, (float)100.0)

    add overlay.fx to the generated .exe when d3d hook is used and add the 64bit dll's for 64 bit targets as well

    don't send an openProcess event when a process has been closed

    fix the previous value column

    remember the last breakpoint condition

    fix a problem when dealing with stupid users

    and make the scan options groupbox look a little better on some systems

    fix the saved scan handler from bugging out when randomly accessed

    fix pressing enter on auto assembler entries

    add the dotnextdatacollector files to the exe generator

    add highlighting for mm#

    fix the column click detection in the structure view

    better support for utf8 in auto assembler and lua syntax highlighting

    fix some form designer issues

    hide the testlabel

    add an option to specify if during the lua engine resize you wish the code to resize, or the output\

    and enable tab indentation for lua

    add highlighting of the xmm registers

    fix problem with using extra format symbols that where not supported in the disassembler view

    in the code injection template when no module address an be given, use the symbolhandler to get an alternate name (e.g jitted functions)

    add a version of getProcesslist() for lua that doesn't take a stringlist but just returns a table

    Add a warning to forced termination of scans that it can break subsequent scans

    Add highlighting for xmm register

    increased the fontsize of the tutorial, adjusted some gui component locations, and made the tutorial windows resizable

    show the process list filter in the processlist caption

    apply .net array patch by justa_dude

    add a symbol information lookup command. (can be used to get the size of a function)

    Do save the real address

    don't save the "laststate" if it's a string (could cause problems)

    remove 8 byte storage on treenode.data in the 32-bit version. Fixes the settings menu and shouldn't cause problems as 32-bit shouldn't bother targeting 64-bit processes anyhow

    fix the anchor editor not showing icons on the buttons since the move to the current lazarus

    commit test

    fix some typos in the tutorial and fix a bug in step6

    deselect records when nothing is selected

    add shift scrolling

    fix the addresslist editor when scrolled down

    several typo fixes

    fix crashes when copying disassembler code and the disassembler was actively used

    reset the range after the setup is done

    fix legacy thread_synchronize() and change savesession.lua to make use of the current thread.synchronize routine

  7. как выделить все адреса я понимаю - CTRL+A, а вот ка заморозить сразу много выделенных адресов не могу понять, подскажите пожалуйста.

    Нажать на пробел после выделения.

    И повторю вопрос: Как встроить спидхак в свой тренер?

    Не встраивал, не знаю

    И ещё вопрос: Есть ли в доступе исходный код спидхака СЕ или он слишком навороченный для моего теперешнего уровня.


    • Плюс 1
  8. #100 - это, типа значение жизней наобум. Обычно я не вписываю статическое значение, а люблю, чтобы текущее значение всегда равнялось текущему максимальному, но данной игры у меня нет, поэтому сделал по простому.

    И делал я это по первому варианту скрипта, где в одном скрипте вы делали и бессмертие, и OHK.

  9. Cheat Engine 6.4 Beta2


    fix the focus check using the wrong formname

    Implement TCloseQueryEvent and hide non implemented events from the object inspector

    Add some protections against a 32-bit exception handler bug in fpc

    add some more sorting capabilities to the listview

    and make the undocumented calendar object at least creatable with code

    possibly fix kernelmode debug with global debug enabled

    change the hint a bit

    fix dll injection and d3dhook when done from an autoattach openprocess call

    make the trainer position update constantly now (every 2 seconds)

    add an extra parameter to reinitializeSymbolhandler so it can run without having to wait

    made the exe trainer generator detect the usage of "xmplayer." as well

  10. Cheat Engine 6.4 Beta1


    write the changelist

    Add the SelectDirectoryDialog component

    And fix DBKLoaded

    add the lfs binaries

    add the save session script to the svn

    add support for some extra 'special' pdb registers

    make use of the updated dbghelp for 64-bit as well, fallback to search if missing

    commit updated dbghelp dll's. Now also for 64-bit

    remove an dependency that was added by accident

    fix the output destination paths for the jvmti project in release mode and upload the proper release build dll's

    some text changes and add-ons

    some network performance improvements

    fix the displaytype of 8 byte decimal staying stuck

    the left arrow key now decreases the address by 1 just like the right arrow key

    remove some debug output

    Linux/ARM: make the speedhack and module injection in general function even when a debugger is attached

    add option to change the compression level on the network scan

    this check isn't necessary anymore (compiled fine in 32-bit with fpc 2.7.1 rev 27759)

    stop playback on form close

  11. rev2508

    some path fixes to make release builds functional (get openjdk if you wish to compile this and adjust the paths accordingly)

    commit binary versions of the java agent

    make compilable for 32-bit as well. And add 2 new build modes (specific 32 and 64 bit release)

    now sfloat refuses to compile in 32-bit. (not a too big problem, but there is a better solution so ditch it)

    Make the code compilable for FPC 2.7.1 and Lazarus 1.3 build 2014-05-11

    Fix a big bug that didn't cause any big problems because of 8 byte aligned local variables

    Changed from dynamic compiling the sound resources to a pre build sound resource because of build problems

    insert the java settings menu at a more suitable place in the list

    implement insert and insertBehind for treenodes


    fix the java class editor and add class editing functionality to "find what access" and the class dissector

    java: add find what accesses" to the foundlist context menu

    fix unknown initial value scan for java

    add clientwidth and clientheight properties

    fix customcontrol.canvas

    add a play button for the xm file

    properly deal with multithreading and fix the position not showing

    redesign and finish the unregister field modification watch

    and update some documentation

    make the findWhatWrites routine synchronize with the main thread (it works without, just to make sure)

    and add a few defines for listview styles

    fix thread synchronize and change it the the global synchronize to accept multiple parameters

    Add a "find what writes" to java

    markedfordeletion is a better flag to check as active might be false but not yet marked for deletion (windows xp patch. I do understand microsoft on their xp stance here...)

    fix the bug where opening,closing, opening, closing a debugger view window would cause an debugger crash

    the fieldid would use useful as well

    forgot to add code to read out the results

    don't let the tracer guess the type if it's 2 byte as it might prefer a byte

    add some of the OEM keys to ConvertKeyComboToString

    show the hint for tiny

    remove some test code

    add a nil check

    fix compilation error for 32 bit

    Remove saving of specific end offsets in the ptr.* files. Just save them one time in the main .ptr

    Warning: This is incompatible with existing compressed ptr files(the level index now has a 0 value). I recommend you finish your scans as they will be useless after applying this patch

    forgot the 0 terminator, and add some extra checks and safeguards

    I have no idea why this would cause a problem in openProcess but use something else to show the error

    slightly increase the speed of attaching the veh debugger when there is a huge .pdb

    commit an earlier fix for open process block bypassing

    some debug output cleanup

    add an optional parameter to the protection command

    some extra debug info

    also the other two

    fix checkbox State property

    fix not being able to break after clicking stop

    add a stop button to the lua engine window debugger

    implement the missing memscan.newScan

    add documentation for activateProtection

    implement a way to protect cheat engine from simple memory scanners (to make the trainer crybabies happy)

    And obviously also build in the way to bypass that protection (to piss them off again)

    implement java variable scanning code

    Add grouped writing to the network interface and add a check to the breakpoint cleanup so it only does that on x86 systems

    fix sorting compressed ptr files

    fix 16 bit or assembling

    fix the paramcount for setActive

    and add a dot

    implement setField

  12. rev2460

    optimize the compression code now that it's confirmed to work

    implement compressed pointerscan files

    this might fix a problem with fpc 2.7.1

    remove some code that shouldn't be needed anymore

    let's keep it compilable for now

    commit an idea

    implement java_getField

    implement java_getAllClassFields and add make jni's push/popLocalFrame available

    add some keyboard shortcuts to the lua debugging (f5: set bp, f7: single step, f9:run)

    and fix the info to better pick the correct word

    fix fld disassembler for the real80 type

    implement the searchpath commands

    test and fix the invoke method function

    implement FindClassObjects

    some bugfixes and compilation fixes

    some java commits

    add some braces

    Add a new debugger setting which will keep the gui responsive while debugging a game that hammers the debugger

    one extra check on dx9 and compile and commit the 64-bit binaries for d3dhook as well

    add some extra safeguards and add extra debugger debugging info

    Add some extra safeguards

    remove some debug code

    Add support for attaching the d3dhook to a program that has already been hooked. And make d3dhook.destroy() cleanup the target process (a little) as well

    add a critical section to the command list to prevent multiple threads from messing with the list at the same time

    commit fixed hook dll's

    Fix textcontainer rendering in dx10 and 11

    better detection for which directx version is being used

    make the breakpointlist display the type for exception breakpoints

    pointerscan now formats the paths/sec into a more readable format, and it now shows when a thread is writing to disk

    forgot some braces

    One more check

    fix breakpoint cleanup with override disabled and thread specific breakpoints

    set breakpoint.active to false for single thread bp's when disabled

    check dr6 in the cleanup when it's an non continued exception and not an debug exception. (a normal exception doesn't mind DR6 getting changed)

    change createNativeThread into a variable argument function (the extra parameters will be passed on to the thread function)

    add a new option to the veh debugger so it will apply breakpoints to new threads as well (can be disabled in settings)

    test1: Ignore the cleanup requirement and cleanup for every event it returns from

    put it back to nil

    fix fucomp disassembling

    fix a stupid bug and add a better cleanup routine

    redesign the use of the debugger critical section again

    change the position for the check for debugregister

    change synchronize to take parameters and to return the value the function returns

    Just to be clear it's not really a parameter, it's an object

    just to specify it's not required

    forgot to document this little feature for synchronize

    fix synchronize

    simplify the use of critical sections in the debugger, and deal with processes that constantly raise exceptions which would block the breakpoint cleanup. (and some extra safeguards) (Needs a LOT of testing)

    remove some duplicate defines from the memoryrecord class

    add an constant exception test

    fix the scanner not scanning 64-bit

    optimize symbol lookup when in a .net process

    Actually wait and check the status when the use wishes to wait again

    wrong place to check

    Add a check if it has timed out or not

    Remove some obsolete specific property declarations which are now handled by the published property handler

    Add a java bytecode assembler

    Add some anchor side defines

    And fix an potential error when one of the legacy lua functions is used to reference something that isn't a class

    Add the Selected property and ColumnClick event to the listview object

    seems %f is a 2 digit max value anyhow

    Add menu and parent to the menuitem object

    Show a message when the debugger attach timeout has been triggered and ask the user to wait some more or give up

    add createRef, getRef and destroyRef (useful for usage with gui components and lua interaction. Like classes)

    Add support for OwnerData in listviews

    make the variable lookup deal with object paths. (not array support for now though)

    finish the bytecode assembly framework part and comment out some debug code

    some fixes to the class parser and start adding the framework for bytecode disassembling/assembling (last added: getfield)

    add some java class parsing and start planning out an editor

    fix setPenPosition

    compile fix

    make byteTableToString and stringToByteTable deal with strings that have a 0 terminator (get lengths from lua or the bytetable)

    Add ability to load the java agent at launch time

    Add java settings to the settings window and added a command to query the capabilities

    And add support for setting boolean type settings

    fix 8 byte editing and add decimal types to the other types

    perhaps messageboxa takes ansi strings instead of utf8

    fix uninitialized pointer

  13. [ENABLE]


    movss xmm0,[exp1]
    movss [esi+20],xmm0
    jmp cheat1Ret

    movss xmm0,[exp2]
    movss [esi+24],xmm0
    jmp cheat2Ret

    dd (float)0.25

    dd (float)2

    jmp cheat1

    jmp cheat2

    movss [esi+20],xmm0

    movss [esi+24],xmm1


    Ребят, неужели вы вообще не понимаете, в чём тут суть? Иначе я не вижу, в чём может быть сложность в объединении двух и более скриптов...

  14. rev2387

    read the resource strings as utf8 and convert them to ansi

    Add easier settings access

    fix the legacy OnClose property on form

    Add some conversions from ansi to utf8 to the header/comments input

    implement pagecontrol and tabsheet class controllers for lua

    change the settings form to use the node data to select the proper tabsheet

    add some translation strings

    fix compilaton for those that have a microsoft based resource compiler in the path before lazarus's

    change the groupscan command generator to make use of anchors and commit some missing files

    add anchor to the button on the assembly scan

    add some anchors to the speedhack panel

    Add a build in Activate and Deactivate sound to the cheat engine binary

    one small bug, but seems to function decently

    Replace beepOnAction with playSoundonAction with activate/deactivate sounds and make the generated script more up to date with current standards. (Untested and most likely breaks it completely)

    Add saving and loading to the memory stream

    implement playSound(tablefile) and playSound(memorystream)

    fix a deadlock situation where the addresslist update would call the symbol handler before it's done

    Add a referenced functions window to memory view

    Add sorting to the columns of the referenced strings window

    fix code dissect not following called jmp instructions

    make the tracer config remember the settings during the session

    update delay loaded structure pointers when pasting

    wrong variable

    don't change the case sensitivity checkbox when the type is changed from string to string

    Add a Settings class so you can access and modify cheat engine's settings in the registry, and add your own settings

    and fix pause/unpause when inside a protected trainer

    bring back the secondary icon fetching and filter out avg

    Add access function to the user registry environment variables

    add a security check to the IOPL dispatcher

    fix compilation in 32-bit and prepare for agent_onload implementation

    implement java_writeClassToDisk and java_redefineClassWithCustomClassFile

    implement java_FindClass

    Add code to get and redefine java classes at runtime

    Make the read/writeString methods of the LuaPipe capable of handling strings with 0-bytes in them

    And improve the performance of CreateByteTableFromPointer

    fix fstp

    fix deleting symbols

    Add a name property to the thread class in lua and show it when it crashes

    And fix the thread parameter passed to thread functions

    document {$LUA} and {$ASM} before I forget it like luacall (which is now obsolete)

    fix a memory leak that could potentially eat up all memory while debugging the java agent

    switch back to the windowhook messenger for the class designer and implement a custom delete operation (Objects didn't properly update and resize in the designDesigner)

    fix doubleToByteTable

    implement java_getObjectHandleToAddress

    add a search to the java class list

    Fix GetClassFields causing a crash when it fails

    Add some "po" defines so you can set them without using the string version

    add getNextSibling to the treenode class

    add OutputDebugString

    Fix the absoluteIndex property for treenode

    Fix a very slow processlist with AVG

    Move the Execute method declaration to the CommonDialog class and add the FindDialog class

    Commit the changes to the java code

    Add an isFloat parameter to registerCustomTypeLua

    deal with exceptions int he debug message handling loop

    don't inspect local vars named "(*temporary)" Those are not cheat engine defined userdata objects

    lua breakpoints now make sure the current line is visible

    fix the bug caused by the table inspection

    Fix a wrong fix

    Fix mistake regarding tcontrol and tobject

    make the hint show the variable name and if it's local or global

    decreased the timeout for the hint to show

    fix deleting the breakpoint on the currently selected line

    best solution for the calender object for now

    add a check if progressbar is nil

    Use LuaValueToDescription for the local vars as well

    Make a button to work that was sneakily added without me knowing

    Add an undocumented Uppercase start version of the functions

    Fix memscan wait when scanning from a different thread

    Add CheckSynchronize

    Make some properties to non=-published properties more forgiving.

    And add support for Enumeration types for non explicitly enumerated types that are given an integer instead of a string (align for example)

    fix evaluating a table with a table

    fix support for subroutine debugging

    Add synchronize checks to the waittillreallydone call by lua and add an OnScanDone property to the memscan which gets called when the scan finishes

    unset breakpoint when it's the current line as well

    implement value lookup by hovering over variables when paused

    Change the lua engine to not corrupt the stack

    Change the debugger so it doesn't disable all windows anymore

    And show a message when another script wants to debug while another one is still being debugged

    start implementing a debugger for the lua engine. (Breakpoints and stepping work. Todo: Variable inspection)

    Add Lock and Unlock to the C++ implementation of the pipe class

    forgot to commit the readPointer code

    Add an option to start the data dissect from the changed addresses form.

    Add support for 64-bit registers in the address parser

    fix unregister in the lua symbollist class

    Make it so native threads return error messages when they encounter an error

    And forgot the documentation for read/writePointer

    First implementation of the java inspector lua part

    fix some lua symbollist bugs and added some extra capabilities to it

    Also added a clear all option to the userdefined symbol list

    forgot a parameter

    add texttoshortcut and shortcuttotext

    add ctrl+r (replace) to the lua engine

    and add an extra check to the symbollist destructor

    +скомпилировал Java Inspector

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