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Сообщения, опубликованные SER[G]ANT

  1. Вышла RC2. Если каких-то серьёзных багов обнаружено не будет, то это будет последняя тестовая сборка.

    P.S. русификатор так же обновил.


    В 23.09.2016в11:10, Baracuda сказал:

    Вообще попробовал поискать указатели, в новой версии  Cheat Engine 6.6 Beta 2  тоже не ищет, поиск начинается находит 100000 указателей, потом находит миллион вроде как поиск идёт, а когда поиск заканчивается, показывает найдено ноль указателей, короче не фига не ищет, надеюсь это из правят. 

    Укажи название игры, если будет тоже самое, то отпишу DB.

    • Плюс 2
  2. Ой, давно этим не занимался.

    Возможно не правильно.

    Скрытый текст
    aobscanmodule(Health,Fallout4.exe,48 8D 4B 58 4C 8B C7 BA 02 00 00 00 0F 28 F8 FF 50 38 F3 0F)
    mov [player],rbx
    cmp [enable1],1
    jne short option2
    mov [rbx+44C],(float)0
    cmp [enable2],1
    jne short originalcode
    mov [rbx+458],(float)0
    lea rcx,[rbx+58]
    mov r8,rdi
    jmp returnhere
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 00
    jmp newmem
    db 48 8D 4B 58 4C 8B C7



    • Плюс 1
  3. У меня такой проблемы с поиском нет, возможно из-за того, компьютер старенький и я не могу оценить "высокую скорость".

    В любом случае, сырая не сырая, но если во время бэты кто-то не укажет на определённые косяки, то они так и останутся в релизе.

    Так что, лучше напишите об этом на форуме CE, иначе и в 6.6, и в 6.7, и в 10.0 "медленный" поиск останется.

    • Плюс 1
  4. Вот и вышла релизная версия Cheat Engine 6.6





    Fixed saving of hotkey sounds 
    Fixed the CF flag in the disassembler stepping mode 
    Fixed Kernelmode VirtualQueryEx for Windows 10 build 14393 
    Fixed DBVM for Windows 10 build 14393 
    Fixed the shortest assembler instruction picking for some instructions 
    Fixed a few bugs in the break and trace routine when you'd stop it while the thread still had a single step set 
    Fixed several ansi to UTF8 incompatbilities that poped up between 6.5 and 6.5.1 
    Fixed the stackview not properly setting the color, and giving an error when trying to change a color 
    Fixed the exe generator not adding both .sys files or the .sig files when using kernel functions 
    Fixed some places of the disassembler where it helps guessing if something is a float or not 
    When using the code finder, it won't show the previous instruction anymore if it's on a REP MOVS* instruction 
    Fixed an issue when editing memoryrecords with strings, where wordwrap would add newline characters 
    Fixed D3D alpha channel for textures and fontmaps 
    Fixed the helpfile not being searchable 
    The installer will now mark the CE destination folder as accessible by APPS. (fixes speedhack for some APPS) 
    Fixed the form designed crashing is resized 'wrong' 

    Additions and changes: 
    Ultimap 2 for Intel CPU's of generation 6 and later (no DBVM needed for those) 
    Language select if you have multiple language files for CE 
    Memoryrecord pointer offsets can use calculations, symbols and lua code now 
    While stepping in the debugger you can now easily change the EIP/RIP register by pressing ctrl+f4 
    changed the way CE is brought to front when a hotkey is pressed 
    Made the GUI more adaptive to different fontsizes and DPI 
    Several font and minor GUI changes 
    Added DPIAware and a font override to the settings window. (DPI aware is on by default, but can be turned of if experiencing issues) 
    Added option to enable pause by default 
    Disassembling mega jumps/calls now show the code in one line 
    The standalone auto assembler window will now give an option to go to the first allocated memory address 
    Changed the point where the settings are loaded in CE's startup sequence 
    The formdesigner now allows copy and paste of multiple objects, and uses text 
    Added scrollbox and radiogroup to the formdesigner 
    Added Middle, MD5 and MD5 as allowable hotkeys 
    Added controller keys as hotkeys 
    Single stepping now shows an indication if an condition jump will be taken 
    Added a watchlist to the debugger 
    Added the 'align' assembler pseudo command (allocates memory so the next line is aligned on a block of the required size) 
    Added the 'Not' option for scans, which causes all addresses that match the given entry as invalid 
    Changed the Unicode text to UTF-16. Text scans are now UTF8/UTF16 (no codepage) 
    Hexview can now show and edit values in 3 different textencodings. (Ascii, UTF-8 and UTF-16) 
    Rescan pointerscans on pointerscans that where done on a range can now change the offset 

    speak(): Text to speech 
    hookWndProc: a function that lets you hook the windows message handler of a window 
    registerEXETrainerFeature: Lets you add extra files to the exe trainer file packer 
    getFileVersion(): A function to get version information from a file 
    mouse_event() : Lets you send mouse events to windows. (move, click, etc...) 
    loadFontFromStream() : Lets you load a font from a memory stream. (Useful for trainers that use a custom font) 
    added several thread synchronization objects 
    control class: added bringToFront and sendToBack 

    lua changes: 
    dbk_writesIgnoreWriteProtection() now also disables virtualprotectex calls from CE 
    loadTable() can now also load from a Stream object. 
    the addresslist has some Color properties published for better customization 

    the LUA server has had some new commands added so hooked code can do more efficient calls. (LUAClient dll has been updated to use them in a basic way) 


    Ссылка на обновлённый русификатор в подписи

    • Плюс 6
  5. Cheat Engine 6.5.1:




    Fixed increased value by/decreased value by for float values
    Fixed disassembling/assembling some instructions (64-bit)
    Fixed the autoassembler tokenizing wrong words
    Fixed several bugs related to the structure dissect window (mainly shown when autodestroy was on)
    Fixed a small saving issue
    Groupscans now deal with alignment issues better
    Fixed java support for 32-bit


    Additions and changes:
    Signed with a sha256 signature as well (for OS'es that support it)
    Changed Ultimap to use an official way to get the perfmon interrupt instead of IDT hooking (less BSOD on win10)
    Individual hotkeys can now play sounds
    Now compiled with fpc 3.0/lazarus 1.6 (Previously 2.7/1.1)
    You can now search in the string list
    PEInfo now has a copy to clipboard
    Some places can now deal better with mistakes
    Lazarus .LFM files can now be loaded and saved


    Fixed several incompatibilities between lua that popped up in 6.5 (due to the lua 5.1 to 5.3 change)
    Fixed the OnSelectionChange callback property in the memoryview object
    MemoryRecords now have an Collapsed property
    Added TCanResizeEvent to the splitter
    Fixed setBreakpoint not setting a proper trigger if not provided
    Fixed executeCode* parameter passing
    Fixed several memory leaks where unregistering hooks/addons didn't free the internal call object
    Some tableFile additions
    Fixed registerAssemble assembler commands
    Added kernelmode alloc and (un)mapping functionality
    Added an easy way to add auto assembler templates
    Added window related functions including sendMessage
    Added Xbox360 controller support functions
    Added more thread functions

    • Плюс 3
  6. 6 числа вышло небольшое обновление


    1/6/2016:Fixed structure dissect from crashing when autodestroy is on

    1/6/2016:Fixed window position loading on multi monitor systems
    1/6/2016:Fixed the lua customtype and
    1/6/2016:Several minor gui fixes


    Ссылка та же.

    • Плюс 1
  7. Эта стабильная версия?

    Да, это релизная версия с официального сайта.

    Но, т.к. не было массового теста, может выйти обновление в течении 7 дней (если будут найдены мелкие баги) или месяца (если что-то серьёзное)

    • Плюс 1
  8. Грубо говоря, ты можешь создать кластер из компьютеров для поиска указателей.

    На всех них должен быть запущен CE, а игра лишь на одном, на главном (родитель).

    Более подробно рассказать не могу, т.к. не пользовался

    • Плюс 1



    Fixed page exception breakpoints from not working

    Fixed the save as button in the lua script assigned to the table

    Fixed the dotnetdatacollector from not fetching parent fields

    Fixed disassembling of some instructions

    Fixed assembling some instructions

    Fixed assembling instructions that referenced address 80000000 to ffffffff in 64-bit targets

    Fixed dealing with unexpected breakpoints

    Fixed several issues with the network scanner. (symbols, scanspeed, threads, etc...)

    Fixed "going to" 64-bit registers.

    Fixed pointerstrings for 64-bit

    Fixed the addressparser in memview's hexview not handing static 64-bit addresses

    Fixed r8 and r9 looking broken in the memoryview window

    Fixed hotkeys that set a value as hexadecimal and the value is smaller than 0x10

    Fixed multiline string editing for memory records

    Fixed dragging cheat tables into CE

    Fixed VEH debug for 'Modern' apps

    Fixed several translation issues


    fixed getStructureCount, writeRegionToFile, readRegionFromFile, readInteger, ListColum.GetCount

    fixed memoryleak in MemoryStream


    Several fixes to DBVM:

    added support for Windows 10

    support for more than 8 cpu's

    support for newer cpu's

    fixed issue where calling CPUID right after setting the TF flag wouldn't trigger a breakpoint after it



    Additions and changes:

    Array of Byte's can now deal with nibble's. (e.g: 9* *0 90 is now a valid input- and scanstring)

    The auto assembler can now deal with some mistakes like forgetting to declare a label

    Added support to use binutils as assembler and disassembler, and a special scripting language for it

    Added support for 64-bit mono, and script support for cases where mono.dll isn't called mono.dll

    Added an option to get a list of all recently accessed memory regions. This is useful for the pointerscanner

    The pointerscanner can now use multiple snapshots (pointermaps) to do a scan. This basically lets you do a rescan during the first scan, saving your harddisk

    Made the pointerscan network scanner a bit easier to use. You can now join and leave a pointerscan session

    You can now stop pointerscans and resume them at a later time

    Pointerscan files can get converted to and from sqlite database files

    The pointerscan configuration window now has an advanced and basic mode display

    The all type now has a setting that lets you define what under "all" falls

    Custom types now also have access to the address they're being used on

    Split up the "(de)activating this (de)activates children" into two seperate options (one for activate, one for deactivate)

    Added some basic Thumb disassembling

    The xmplayer has been replaced with mikmod which supports many different module types (in lua you still call it xmplayer)

    Rightlicking on "your system supports dbvm" will let you manually load DBVM for each cpu. This is usefull if for some reason your system crashes when it's done too quickly

    In "Find what addresses this instruction accesses" you can now open the structure dissect window of your choice in case there are others. It will also fill in the base address, so no need to recalculate yourself

    AA command GlobalAlloc now has an optional 3th parameter that lets you specify the prefered region

    Added an option to record and undo writes. (Off by default, can be enabled in settings. Memview ctrl+z will undo the last edit)

    Added aobscanregion(name,startaddress,stopaddress,aob)



    switched from Lua 5.1 to 5.3

    debug_setBreakpoint can now take an OnBreakpoint parameter that lets you set a specific function just for that breakpoint

    added dbk_getPhysicalAddress(int)

    added dbk_writesIgnoreWriteProtection(bool)

    added getWindowList()

    And a bunch of other lua functions. (check out main.lua)


    • Плюс 2
  10. Релиз-кандидат или RC (англ. release candidate), Пре-релиз или Pre, иногда «гамма-версия» — стадия-кандидат на то, чтобы стать стабильной. Программы этой стадии прошли комплексное тестирование, благодаря чему были исправлены все найденные критические ошибки. Но в то же время существует вероятность выявления ещё некоторого числа ошибок, не замеченных при тестировании.



    • Плюс 3
  11. Интересно, как сделал невидимость?

    Когда я делал эту опцию для данной игры, то набрёл на ней совершенно случайно, пытаясь сделать совсем другое.


    Не знаю как у тебя реализовано и зависит ли от этого, но когда я использовал "невидимость", то были проблемы с некоторыми боссами. Они тупо могли не появиться (или не начать бой, не помню), если эта опция включена.

    С опцией OHK, по-моему, там тоже был глюк на первом боссе, т.к. там обязательно нужно мини-игру выиграть в конце.

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